Unaware of the perils that await a Floridians feet, ankles and legs, a vacationing New Englander is an easy victim of the Fire Ants painful self defence. In the northern states we know ants as harmless crawling creatures that at worst steel picnic baskets from Yogi Bear. In Florida you must be sure that no Fire Ants mound is below your feet for if you happen to rest on their home they will send as many ants to climb on you as fast as they can and when there leader gives the signal, they will all deliver tens of bites that release a wasp like venom stinging like fire. If you would like to know more: http://www.floridaenvironment.com/programs/fe00207.htm
Jennifer and John have come down to Captiva each year to renew their wedding vows. This years was the first that John had come in contact with our lovely little Fire Ants. Luckily he survived to have a warm celebration of Jennifer and his happy years together.

Listening to the Paster as their hearts are renewed & refreshed,

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