Thursday, November 8, 2007

When the Cold Wind Blows in Captiva ~ brrrrrrrrrrr!

It has been a while since I added to the blog ~ I have been busy working towards meeting my publishers deadline (which is swiftly approaching) for the book of my Sanibel and Captiva's images due out in January. You can view and purchase prints of most of the images that will be in my book, on the Fine Arts section of my site.

Here is an image from the book. It is of the beach in Captiva during one of those very windy days around hurricane Charlie.
Yes every so often (but not very) the wind on the beach blows a bit more and the chill bites us a little more than we would like here in SW Florida.
The Millers and family's six wonderful children did great even while the wind blew sand in their eyes and cold in their bones.
One truth I have adopted as a goal is that wonderful grandparents make wonderful families.

Though you may not know it by the image we almost did not get the beach walk ~ but the children stuck in their for one last cold windy walk down the beach.

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