Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Pirate Ghost Cloud

While taking family portraiture on Sanibel & Captiva I often tell the true pirate history of these Islands.

On Sanibel & Captiva there were 2 pirates that lived here - Gasbar on Captiva and Ceasar on Sanibel.
Their treasure cashes have yet to be discovered.

Well I got home from this wonderful families portrait session and looked at their images and low and behold in the background of theirs sons images, taken right when I was telling them about the pirates history, was a pirates scull and cross bones in the clouds in the sky behind him. I just thought this was amazing! See the images below and let me know what you think!
Here is a link to some local Sanibel & Captiva pirate history.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ted spent a wonderful amount of time with us taking pictures and telling us about the Pirates of Sanibel and Captiva. He called the next day so excited about this picture.